Wednesday, June 27, 2012

White Blank Page by Mumford and Sons

I have many friends who will swear by the lyricism of a song. for them, the higher the depth of lyrical content, the higher the pedigree of the song. I don't operate like that, i believe first and foremost that the instruments in the song must work together to first get and keep my attention, then i will listen to the lyrics. This view is most likely influenced by my Nigerian background (Nigerian music is very instrumental in nature, especially when it comes to drums.)This song by the popular folk (ish?) band Mumford and Sons is rare for me in that the Lyricism is gut-wrenching but the Instruments work so well together that the whole song is just straight goodness. Listen, enjoy, and tell me what you think! Score First Listen - 7/10 Re-Playability - 9/10