Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Girl by City and Color

I can honestly say that this song haunts me when I listen to it. For those out there who have dealt with a heartbreak or two, you know that there are those songs that tend to remind you of 'friends' of old. This song does that for me (she is married now). I usually have a really bad memory when it comes to first encounters with things (or people), but this song is different. I distinctively remember when I first heard this song. I had been up late studying during college and i was starving. One of the great benefits of going to a University in Houston is the incredible amount of ethnically diverse eateries around, i can honestly eat at a different ethnic restaurant every night of the week without driving more than 15mins from my school; Its glorious. So I'm up late and hungry so I decide to hit up my friend who was also up late to see if she wanted to get something to eat too. She said she knew a place and i should meet her downstairs. Now my friend is Hispanic and is probably one of the liveliest people i know, she has one of those personalities that is very open, honest, and cheery, but in certain moments, you could tell that it would take time to completely learn her story. As my friend likes to say, she was a "mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in bubble wrap." So me and Bubble wrap girl are driving to this great Mexican joint by our school and something odd happens; You know those times of the night (think 2am) when you're tired and maybe hungry, and its just so late that you just let your guard down? That was exactly our scenario. Bubble Wrap girl puts the City and Colour CD into the drive and when this song comes on, she sort of goes into this dreamy-eyed place and she starts singing and bobbing her head along with the song. When the song was done, she gets this sad look on her face and tells me about how she discovered the song (another 'friend' of old) and then we listened to the song again. Her story was a beautiful one and the song took on a whole new meaning in a manner of seconds. Every time I listen to this song, that's what i think of now.
Listen, enjoy, and let me know what you think in comments below.
P.s. There's a hidden song at the end that is beautiful!

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