Why hello there! Where have you been Israel? you ask, well I've been preoccupied with work, life, girls, and all sorts of other nonsense. Its been a time of growth, change, and awkward conversations to say the least, and I am once again willing to lavish all my great stories upon you, my dear readers. This week is a double feature of sorts. If any of you have ever seen the movie Blood Diamond, then you know exactly where this is headed (or maybe you don't.. it depends.. did you attend college?). The movie is one of my favorite movies of all time (up there with Hotel Rwanda, Sin Nombre, and O Brother Where Art Thou?)and the story is one of redemption and survival among utmost chaos. So it should come as no surprise that the score for such a movie would be spectacular. As previously mentioned, I'm not crazy about listening to movie and video games scores like some of my friends (see: Simeon Snow), but there are some scores that stand out so well that you can't help but notice them outside of the schematic of the movie/scene itself. These two scores are exactly that. When you listen to London and Solomon Vandy by James Newton Howard, you quickly realize that on their own, these songs are magnificent; they make you feel as if you were a character in the movie. When I listen to Soloman Vandy, I feel like I AM Solomon as he carries Archer up the mountain to his death, i feel his pain as he watches Archer die, and I feel his joy as he witnesses his son's redemption from a life of murder and violence. People, that is what a good soundtrack does, and Mr. James Newton Howard has definitely outdone himself with this one. Listen, enjoy, and tell me what you think in comments below.
Here are a few of my other favorite movie scores for you to enjoy! Let me know what some of your favorites are!
Now We Are Free from Gladiator
Healing Katniss from The Hunger Games
Halo 4.. Nough said
Hace Tuto Guagua from Argo
Great stuff. I think I liked the Blood Diamond one the most on this list, with Halo at second, and Hunger Games at third.