Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran

 There is a popular stereotype currently circulating the interwebs that red-headed people/Gingers are soul-less people who collect the souls of others and then proudly display them as freckles on various parts of their bodies (but usually the face).

They don't even trust themselves, apparently.
As imagined, the general red-headed community is pretty upset about this stereotype and have gone as far as creating an organization called NARPLE, the National Alliance of Redheaded People for Liberal Education, with a full fledged celebrity spokesman.

Hey girl, lets get along.
This, of course, is absolutely nothing compared to Ed Sheeran, who so artfully defies the 'red-heads are soulless' stereotype that it makes one wonder if it wasn't instigated by the same band of monkeys who were banging on a typewriter and eventually wrote all the works of Shakespeare.
But not  Twilight. That's not on us.
Ed Sheeran has become a symbol of defiance for the red-headed community, not unlike the middle finger was a symbol of defiance for french people or something, and whenever faced with that wretched stereotype, the educated ginger will simply bring up Ed Sheeran as a polite way of saying "Eff You"

He is cursing you out in so many ways right now.
Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran is by no means the epitome of his talent and musical artistry, but it is my favorite song on his debut album. He also does something on this song that i believe more artists should fully utilize, which is the art of the secret song. This track is 8+ minutes long for a reason. At the end of the song, Sheeran transitions us into a sort of melancholy hymn that reminds me very much of Christmas. It is one of the most beautiful things I have ever heard and it artfully defeats any notions that people with red hair are lacking in soul.

This article brought to you by NARPLE
NARPLE, education for idiots who will believe anything.

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