Monday, September 14, 2015

A Dream Of You and Me by Future Islands

Lesson I learned today; if you're new to a company and want to learn all the great lunch spots, make friends with the I.T. guys.  As much as Yelp is trying, nothing can still beat word of mouth, and that my friends is why computers, as much as they try, can never replace human touch and interaction: because Yelp still can't duplicate the experience of eating delicious pizza with people you just met a month ago. Get it together Yelp. You may be wondering what all that has to do with the song for today and the answer is nothing. I just had a delicious pizza and I had to write about it, so give me a break, Rick. As far as the song goes, one adept Youtuber had this to say about it, "A truly unique song with a smooth dash of retro, new wave, 90's pop, and dipped in this new era. Love singing to this aloud in the car, you should as well. Quality everlasting music." And that my friends, is all she wrote. Take a listen and share.

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